Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break is ending NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Man this past week has just felt like one long string of Saturdays and Sundays to me. If I did stuff it felt like Saturday, if I laid around on my ass and rested while visiting with friends or dad it felt like Sunday. I loved it, why does it have to end?

On top of that here in Texas our last day of winter was in the 70s and yesterday (the first day of spring) it was in the 30s and it snowed. Man this state just can't make up it's mind. I'm so tired of it being cold and snowy here though, it has been the weirdest winter ever, I think it snowed like 3 or 4 times and usually it doesn't snow it just ices. Don't get me wrong I like snow, but I want spring weather for a good portion of time before the temperature goes back up into the 100s again. Seriously I look forward to Texas's short spring all year, so when I don't get enough of it, I'm pissed.

Anyway moving on from that, no one wants to go back to school tomorrow from what I've gathered, but heck who would?

Right now I should be going to bed so I'm not super tired tomorrow, but I'm not tired, this is what I get for sleeping in this morning and Saturday morning. Oh yeah all week I was barley able to sleep in late thanks to my stupid internal alarm clock. Until Friday I was going to sleep around 11:00, 11:30 every night and waking up around 8:00, 8:30 every morning. God school even screws with me when I don't have to go. I didn't get out of that until Friday night, so now I've got a ton of energy, from two days of sleeping in and no way to exert it. So yeah I will probably be SUPER tired tomorrow, seeing as how it is Monday and it's not just any old Monday, it's the Monday after Spring Break.

Ok so that paragraph didn't really have great transitions between sentences (I think), but I don't care, I'm just so upset that I have to go back to school tomorrow, where all those people are.
I like being with my friends I just wish I could do it in a school that had less than 3,000+ students in it. Yes my school has that many people for anyone reading this who doesn't go there, and it's WAY TOO MANY!
They need to rezone my district sooooo bad and get a good portion of kids out of my school and into one of the other ones that isn't living up to it's full potential thanks to my school taking all the students.

So yeah now that you guys know why I'm mad, and I've vented, I'm feeling slightly better.
Honestly I think that's about it

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