Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Busy Bee

Sorry I haven't posted a while I have been pretty busy with school this week. I have so much reading to do for AP English III and AP US History, along with PreAP Precal homework pretty much every night. Then, you have online PreAP Physics homework which usually takes WAY too long. Then, after all that, I'm too tired and my brain hurts too much for me to type a blog.

So now that I have ranted about my busy life time to talk about something else.

For those of you who don't know what those are, they are rehersals for insturmentalists outside of class, usually with a certain section of the orchestra/band/choir, in my case orchestra. These rehersals like I said are done with you section on certain music, in my case UIL music. Ok so I hate my section, because they picked Wednesday after school to have sectionals and Wednesdays just happen to be my big homework nights, but it doesn't matter about my schedule because apparently orchestra is the only thing I have going on in my life after school.

Gah my teacher he can just be so frusterating. I mean I was just asking about this one rehersal to see if it was on one of the same days my mom was going to be out of town for work and he was like "it's been on the calender all year" and I'm thinking "great that doesn't matter, you could have told me last year and I would still have to miss it, because my mom will be out of town, my dad and grandparents are working, and someone has to watch my 9 year old brother". I say this to him nicely like "well I need to know, because I have to watch my little brother who is 9 and my mom might be out of town" and he was like "well since it has been on the calender all year, you had time to make other arrangements". I said ok of course, but OMG I stormed out of the room, I was so freakin mad, I mean really I have a family I can't spend my entire life at the school and my little brother can't be home alone for two hours, I'm the only one that can watch him. Does anyone else agree with me that, that should be an excused absense from ANY rehersal no matter how long you've known about it?

Uh anyways, I'm sorry about the rants, but I needed a place to get that stuff off my chest for good and to get opinions on whether my teacher or I is in the right with that argument.

Well I still have a lot of things to get done
-Signed, The Busy Bee

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