Saturday, January 30, 2010


I didn't really know what to title this one so..yeah

So, I really think I need to get some more people reading this somehow, I mean I've tried posting the link on my facebook and still I'm the only one subscribed to me, which is wierd I don't know how that happened.

Anyways, I saw The Lovely Bones with a friend late last night and didn't get home until after midnight, and even though I slept in a good amount I'm still tired, it's probably because I'm so tired from the school week, I need more than a weekend to recover.

So today I'm planning on just lounging around the house, with the family, not really doing much. It will be a good Saturday. Then, tomorrow I'm going to church and then I'm going to the mall with my BFF who I haven't seen in a while, she moved to a different city and now we don't go to the same school and her and I really need to hang out and talk through some things. So, I'm excited for that.

So yeah since I'm probably boring anyone who might happen to read this, I'm gonna go

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