Saturday, January 16, 2010

Gotta Clean

Ok so the reason the title is gotta clean is because I'm helping my grandma clean her house today and then tomorrow I have to go through my ENTIRE room and organize it, because it has become a god awful mess (sorry for the language).

I moved months ago and I moved from a big room to a small room and I didn't get rid of ANYTHING, bad idea on my part. Also I have been lazy and when I unpacked I really didn't organize the closet or my drawers I just shoved everything in them, also a bad idea.

So now my room is all unorganized and it's starting to get on my nerves and it's been getting on my mom's nerves for MONTHS. So tomorrow and Monday I will be cleaning.

Sunday I will be cleaning out my closet and then on Monday I will be organizing the drawers and cleaning off my desk so I can actually use it, because right now there is so much stuff on it that I can't even use it for homework or anything.

Orginally I had planned to use the desk whenever I needed to charge my laptop, because I really didn't have anything else to do with it, but then I started putting my junk on it since it wouldn't fit anywhere else and evetually it got so cluttered that now I can't do anything with it. Which, is really sad because it is like a brand new computer desk that I got for my birthday last year and I moved and cluttered it before I really had a chance to use it.

Ok so enough of my rant about cleaning I just thought since that is what I've been doing lately I would talk about it.

Sorry if it wasn't that interesting, but hey life isn't always interesting

Bye now

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