Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lazy Days

I love lazy days, they are the days where you have nothing your supposed to be doing, so you do all that stuff you've been meaning to do in your free time, like create a blog for example.

Yes that's right I'm having lazy days, so far I have been able to get to creating this blog, roleplaying more, watching anime, and I even have had time to play my video games. So, I guess dead week isn't so bad (look at my last post if you don't know what I'm talking about), because I don't have homework, which causes after to school to be a lazy time.

Anyways, today I've been trying to work out some stuff for A-kon this year (anime convention in dallas, you need to go if you like anime). It is kinda hard, getting the hotel room payments figured out, ride plans for there and back, getting this year's costume ready, replacing my wig from last year cause I lost it so I have someone different to cosplay as on Sunday (Sunday will be the same costume you see me wearing in my picture there on the left, it is Near from an anime called Death Note and this year I will be cosplaying as Hollow Ichigo from Bleach).

So yeah, pretty much life as usual for me except for the no homework thing

Since I don't really have much else to say today I'm going to go


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