Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The First One- Thanks to a Friend

Hey people of the internet! So my friend made a blog on here and I decided, "hey it's free and I've been wanting a blog to rant in for a while now, so why not?"

So yes this is my first blog.

I guess I will start with the fact that it's a new year. Time to leave 2009 behind, THANK GOD! So I had a party on New Year's Eve and we stayed up until 6:30 and woke up WAY too early (10:30).

After the break was over I went back to school, which was yesterday, to start my week of boredom. It's semester exam review week. At my school this week is POINTLESS for someone like me who just needs a quick refresher of stuff I learned before the break. Basically everyday you go to class and you leanr ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and instead you review for 5 days over stuff you should already know. However, there are stupid people in this world unfortunetly and they need an entire week to go over stuff they've already learned. Honestly, I think there should be one day dedicated to refreshing the mind and then that's it no more review, if your smart you shouldn't need more than that.

Anyways moving on. It looks like I will have to prepare a solo on violin for orchestra class as well as work on an ensamble that my teacher is requiring we do. I hate when my orchestra teacher just decides that everyone has enough free time in their schedule to come up to a middle school on a Saturday and do a solo and then stay to preform an ensamble on top of that, I mean he doesn't even ask if we can all make it, he just assumes. I hate when teachers assume, they all do it, but I digress.

Anyways I know that was a lot of complaining and not very much happy, I will try to be more happy in my next post. I will try to post almost every, if not every day. However, I will most likely not be able to post everyday, because I'm in high school and I'm an AP student, so I get busy sometimes. So if I don't post for a while don't complain just be patient I will be back.

Hehehe Bye

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