Monday, January 11, 2010

Tests and such

Ok so this week starts semester exam week for me. Today I took my first test, first period AP US History. It was INSANELY hard. I'm almost positive I failed, I wish I could just see my grade, like I told my friend today after school, I would rather know I got a failing grade, then not know my grade at all.

So yeah, anyways, tomorrow I have Physics and Orchestra, Wednesday is AP English and PreAP Precal, Thursday is Communications and Spanish III. I'm not worried about any of them though, because none of them can compare to the test I took today.

Also, sorry I didn't post a blog on Saturday or Sunday, but I was feeling lazy and I didn't want to type anything. It doesn't really matter though, because I didn't do that much. On Saturday I got up and went and got a styrofoam head for a wig I have for a cosplay and I hung out with my dad. Then on Sunday, I got up super late, went to Starbucks, and studied for my AP US History test.

So as you can see my weekend was pretty boring, but I like boring weekends, they give me time to do things I want to do and get done, while also relaxing and thinking about how much I LOVE not being at school.

So, I'm pretty much out of stuff to talk about for today so I guess I will leave you to do whatever it is you do

Bye Bye

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